Rabbi Blog

Our Hope for a Resurrected Democracy:

Infinite are the possibilities for renewal, for rejuvenation, for a resurgence of the bright beacon that we are. Barack, the Man of Blessing, said: "On this January night, at this defining moment in history, we are one nation, we are one people, and our time for change has come, to build a coaliton for change that will help us meet the challenges we face as a nation." On this January night, in the year 2008 (5768), I say to you, Let US right the wrongs, let US heal the injustices and Let Freedom Ring once again throughout the Land, and throughout the grand Garden that we are enjoined to tend. In the year 2008, it is my holy prayer that we will Return and Heal what was lost to US at the dawning of the Millenium. We must remain forever vigilant about safeguarding our personal rights: we must devote ourselves to insuring the survival of a tolerant and open Democracy in these great United States. We achieve the highest standards of Democracy by having the courage to thwart threats from without by strengthening Liberty from within.

With Light and Hope for the future,
Rabbi Alyjah