Rabbi Blog .... October .... 2010

October Sefirah of the month:
Yesod (Foundational Creativity)

My Rabbi Blog this month will highlight the mystical sefirah (energy emanation) of Yesod. In a literal sense, Yesod is about the foundation of productive as well as reproductive Creativity within this earthly Realm and Beyond. Studying the Kabbalist Tree of Life, we are reminded that the Yesodic energy of HaKadosh Baruchu (The Blessed Holy One) is continually being drawn down into our world ~ engaged by the welcoming waters of prayer, spiritual study and transformative actions....

HaKadosh Baruchu reminds us that as holy, sparkling reflections of the Infinite, each of us is imbued with unique, dynamically evolving talents, gifts and potentials that were designed to be creatively shared. Collectively, we have the bubbling, birthing juices of the Universe flowing through our Human Wellspring. Sometimes, we may feel blocked, silenced or unmotivated. We search for inspiration, enthusiam, intimacy in dealing with matters relating to Love, work and accomplishment....

We all learn from each other. By answering the following question we provide each other with a wellspring of life experience that we can draw support from during the unfolding, creative process that each of us contributes to by fulfilling our own purpose in life. Help encourage and enlighten others by sharing a story, an anecdote or any bissel of Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge from your own life journey....

Question for Delving: What circumstances, relationships, resources help to promote creativity, productivity, renewal and rejuvenation in your life?

To Learn More about Yesod and how this Sefirah relates to you personally, I encourage you to register for Kabbalah 101 and/or Private Study with me
@ www.kabbalahcommunity.org