Rabbi Blog .... November .... 2010

November Sefirah of the Month:
Hod (Majesty)

In a literal sense, Hod is about the Glory of Divine Majesty. Studying the Kabbalist Tree of Life, we are reminded of the nobility of submission to the rule of the Infinite: that which is greater than us …. that which Transcends us. Hodic Influence reminds us that as holy, sparkling reflections of the Inifinite, each of us needs to develop the awareness of when, where and how to submit our will to the Will of Another. Sometimes submission is about accepting the Desire of the Infinite as we come to Understand it in the Big Cosmic Picture. Other times learning to bend our will to the earthly will of a lover, friend, colleague, relative or someone we are not familiar with may be required of us …. to achieve the common good and the Divine Desire.

We are helped in developing our capacity for intuiting when to submit by our Hodic senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and by our capacity for organized, logical reasoning.  Out of respect for …. and abidance with …. the Will of the Holy Source, we work at developing our sense of Gratitude for the opportunity to serve. Hodic Influence reminds us that it is not all about me. Hod helps us to Discern when the time is right to let go of resisting or rebelling, when to  assent to ascend: we recall that we have a greater purpose …. honoring the Will of Another, so that we may heal, transform, renew and reflect the Blessing of our Being for the fulfillment of our Creator.

We all learn from each other, so by answering the following question we provide each other with a wellspring of life experience that we can draw support from during the process of making our own responsible choices and carrying out our own responsible actions. Help encourage and enlighten others by sharing a story, an anecdote or any bissel of Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge from your own life journey…..

Question for Delving: When have you chosen to submit / serve and why?

To Learn More about Hod and how this Sefirah relates to you personally, I encourage you to register for Kabbalah 101 and/or Private Study with me: (http://www.kabbalahcommunity.org/contact).